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Lutheran School Update:

The Prince of Peace Lutheran School Steering Committee has thus far examined demographic information of residents in a 20-mile radius of Prince of Peace, Baxter and is still receiving, compiling, and reviewing responses from its online survey (also in paper format) to gauge interest for a Lutheran School at Prince of Peace. Please understand that this work is exploratory. Prince of Peace has not yet decided to start a school and therefore topics such as curriculum, costs, and start date have been discussed only insofar as “brainstorming” and survey responses have required. We are not dismissive of these important considerations. Moreover, of greater importance at this point is why we desire a Lutheran school in the first place:


In Christ – Engaging families – Teaching children – Service to all


In Christ, we wish to engage parents in their God-given responsibility to provide for their child’s development, to teach children and pass on the Christian faith, and to equip parents and children in their vocations [callings] of service to their neighbor.


Soli Deo Gloria – To God alone the glory



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