How Holy Communion is administered at Prince of Peace:
As Jesus instituted the first celebration of Holy Communion, He did so with His disciples, in a private room, away from the many people who sought to be with Him. In short, this small gathering were of one mind, deeply committed in their shared beliefs, as well as in their individual confessions as followers of Jesus.
This practice of "closed communion" was deeply held within the church for nearly all of its history, with church members confessing their shared beliefs as a unique body of believers, in addition to their individual confessions as God's people.
Prince of Peace follows this ancient pattern of sharing Holy Communion with the body of believers who share a common confession, in this case as members of our church, first, and individuals second. Those who are not members of our church or denomination (i.e. the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod), are asked to speak to the pastor or an elder prior to joining in Holy Communion. It's not us being persnickety, just our embrace of what the church has long believed and practiced. Further, it helps protect against the warning given in 1 Corinthians 11.